São Paulo
Tel. 55 11 2359-5828
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Business & Human Rights

The private sector’s human rights responsibilities are understood through international guidelines and references, particularly the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP).

Proactiva supports companies in implementing their commitment to respect human rights as part of their sustainability strategy.


Our Services:

  • Policy and Dissemination: The development and revision of corporate policies and norms for the management of human rights topics. Provides support for the dissemination of plans and training in business and human rights.
  • Human Rights Due Diligence: The evaluation of policies and process gaps. Applies the UNGPs, national and international normative , and best corporate practices to integrate human rights into business management.
  • Human Rights Risk Mapping: The identification and preliminary (desk-based) assessment of the primary human rights risks in a company’s activities.
  • Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA): The identification and assessment of risks and impacts to human rights. Examines the specific pre-existing vulnerabilities of a company’s activities to subsidize measures to prevent, mitigate, and repair the identified risks and impacts.
  • Integration and Management: Support in the integration of the results of human rights risk and impact assessments into company management processes.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Support in transparent reporting and external communication on the processes of risk management and human rights impacts.
  • Grievance Mechanisms: Support in structuring and evaluating non-judicial complaints and grievance mechanisms based on the UNGPs’ effectiveness criteria.
  • Crisis Management: Support in crisis management for risks and impacts to human rights.
  • Stakeholder Management and Engagement: Support in mapping and engaging with national and international stakeholders in business and human rights agendas.

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